
Getting annoyed of seeing litter everywhere you go? Zero Waste Canada is actively educating individuals as well as companies that are responsible for the current create-use-dump mentality. Help us out by showing your support of the #DemandZeroWaste campaign.

Want to choose a more pro-active approach? Call the company out on social media and tell them that you #DemandZeroWaste.

Step 1. Take pictures of all the "evidence".

Remember the old saying “pictures or it didn’t happen”? Take a shot of the evidence and make it happen.

Step 2. Share the "evidence".

Google Local Guides

Share your images of litter and let the company know that you would like to see a better solution.

A great way of sharing your trash pictures with the polluters is Google Local Guides. For example, if you just took an image of a coffee cup and you pass by that coffee place, Google Local Guides will ask you to add an image. Don’t be shy to share your trash images. Don’t forget to leave a review as well with your ideas.

Merely bashing a company on social media won’t help. Tell them what it is that upsets you and ask them to find a solution. If you have one ready, share the brilliant idea(s)!

Instagram: Use the hashtag #DemandZeroWaste

Share your images of litter. Use the hashtag #DemandZeroWaste and the company’s social media account to let the company know that you would like to see a better solution.

Step 3. Get Started Today

Every one of us needs to take action. Together, we can create change.

Be the change.