Recognizing Leaders in Zero Waste
Zero Waste Canada is proud to recognize the facilities that have demonstrated their commitment to Zero Waste operations by fulfilling the criteria of ON THE ROAD TO ZERO WASTE or a ZERO WASTE CERTIFICATION process through Zero Waste Canada.
These companies have stepped forward as leaders in their communities in the Zero Waste movement, delivering their products and services through ambitious sustainability goals.
Achieving ON THE ROAD TO ZERO WASTE recognizes that Zero Waste Canada has verified the introduction of core structures within the facility, which is necessary to advance further in the direction of Zero Waste, moving resources increasingly further up the Zero Waste hierarchy. Facilities who have achieved this recognition are well positioned to work toward Zero Waste and ZERO WASTE CERTIFICATION. The following facilities have achieved ON THE ROAD TO ZERO WASTE status:
Bio Raw
The "Bio Raw Way" is a system of complete integrity that creates only radically good products that today's conscious consumers are hungry for. Bio Raw's radically good organic meals are curated and created with the highest quality standards.
Edmonton Expo Centre
With over 400 events attracting 1.5 million visitors each year, the Edmonton EXPO Centre is a premiere convention facility. It is the largest exhibition space in Western Canada. Designed for adaptability and grand scale, the centre hosts trade shows, live entertainment, sporting events, conferences and more.
ZERO WASTE CERTIFICATION status acknowledges that a facility has achieved the base requirements for Zero Waste through Zero Waste Canada, the national affiliate of the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA). A SILVER LEVEL performance certifies that a facility has successfully enacted Zero Waste policies internally, at every organizational level within their facility. The following facilities have achieved SILVER LEVEL ZERO WASTE CERTIFICATION
Earnest Ice Cream
A leading artisanal ice cream maker in Vancouver, BC, Earnest Ice Cream (location at 1485 Frances St). creates ice cream that expresses a passion for flavour and creativity and runs a business that embodies their values.
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