Valentine ideas for kids that help teach Zero Waste living skills
Here are ten Valentine’s projects for kids and caregivers.
#1 Conservation, recycling and growing are great conversations to have while recycling used paper to make seed hearts to give to class mates that they can plant. When the paper hearts are planted in a pot of soil or garden, the seeds grow and the paper composts away.
#2 Using materials like newspaper for another use and using scraps (that often are tossed in bin) to make a new creation helps to teach repurposing skills. Paint newspaper and paper scraps to make hand painted Valentine post cards.
#3 Encouraging care of wildlife and an opportunity to learn about back yard birds helps kids to become better stewards of earth. Learning to measure ingredients also is a helpful skill to learn. Make bird seed hearts that can be hung on trees to feed birds.
#4 Looking for materials to repurpose, tracing and cutting while creating a garden gift that invites children to connect to the natural world through growing food. Children that grow their own food are more likely to eat fruit and vegetables. Make seed packages from magazines and fill with flowers or veggie seeds.
#5 Instead of discarding worn materials this project is about reusing materials, reusing and repurposing reduces waste. Repurpose those crayons stubs to make heart shaped crayons.
#6 Learning to cook including reading a recipe, measuring, learning how to use a stove safely are all skills that help children for the future but also allows them to contribute and be part of household activities. Bake cookies to give instead of cards.
#7 Making simple treats teaches how to use stovetop or microwave and reduces need to buy treats in excessive packaging. Give rice crispie hearts with icing message.
#8 Learning basic sewing skills helps children to have clothing repair skills. Make Lacing Valentine’s cards with ribbon scraps.
#9 An important food waste reduction lesson is learning that if fruit is marked or different looking, they are still good to eat. Are you bananas about someone? Give a message on a banana.
#10 Using a needle and thread and fabric scraps to make things allows kids to create.Sew felt hearts.